10 December 2021 ESCAP One-UN Quiz Contest to Celebrate World Environment Day 2021

For the second year in a row, 12 UN teams in Bangkok took part in the ecosystem restoration quiz contest to celebrate World Environment Day (WED) as a one-UN family on 4 June 2021.

The theme this year was “Reimagine. Recreate. Restore” that kicked off the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. UN staff were reminded of the importance of restoring ecosystems and how to take action in their daily lives to reverse the damage that has been done to our planet.

All participants were encouraged to form inter-agency teams to honour the One-UN spirit in this important celebrations. The top 3 Teams - Team Crunch Time -The Return; Grinning CSS; and The Planeteers - were rewarded with locally produced organic vegetables to inspire colleagues on practical actions that help restore our ecosystems.

The Planeteers were also given an award for the most inclusive inter-agency team with members from WHO, IOM, ESCAP, UNDP, UNDCO, UNDSS.

Check out the short event trailer which includes the highlights of the event and a wonderful live performance by Halley Dante singing “Colours of the wind”!

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