28 October 2021 Reducing the carbon footprint of ECA through electro-mobility


According to the World Resource Institute, road transportation was responsible for 11,9% of the global greenhouse gas emitted in 2016 due to the burning of fossil fuel to transport passengers and freight. 

Rapidly decarbonizing ground transportation is key to ensure any global warming increase is kept well below 2°C. In line with this objective, the UN System Sustainability Strategy has set the goal of minimizing/optimizing fuel consumption for the ground travel of UN Staff for operations and programs. 

In Ethiopia, ECA is supplied with hydroelectricity. The shift from fossil-fuel road transportation to electromobility is especially relevant. However, unreliable electricity supply and lack of charging infrastructure are real challenges. 

The Facility Management Section, as well as the Safety and Security Section of ECA, have therefore purchased 8 electric vehicles for use within its 13ha compound. The vehicles can be charged on the normal electricity supply, and they are being used for transportation of passengers within ECA compound, to collect materials in the compound, and store recyclables before they find a second life. 

The 4 vehicles used by FMS have collectively travelled 8,200 kilometers, which resulted in an estimated savings of 1640 kgCO2eq. 

In addition, the Transport Section has implemented an E-Drive Technology, which tracks vehicles by GPS and promotes eco-driving. This resulted in a fuel consumption reduction of 8%, above the 5% targeted. 

Fully decarbonizing UN transportation in Ethiopia is an ongoing project, which requires bolder action to meet the Paris Agreement. 

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