11 June 2021 The UNFPA unveils its Environmental Management System

The UNFPA Environmental Efficiency Strategy (EES) was endorsed earlier this year by Dr. Natalia Kanem, Executive Director. The EES follows the ISO 14001:2015 framework and is based on the Strategy for Sustainability Management in the UN system 2020-2030. Therefore, it targets to achieve all goals agreed upon by the CEB by the year 2030, including reducing the UN system emissions by 45% compared to 2010 levels.

Two-step implementation plan

The first phase of the strategy (2021-2025) will focus on the offices with the highest environmental impact and have an overall emissions reduction target of 30%. The HQ team will work in cooperation with Representatives and their assigned Green Focal Points, using a simple rating system based on the strategy goals. The purpose is to give Field Offices some flexibility to implement the strategy at their own pace, without losing the overall target out of sight.

Phase I - main goals:

  • Governance: Consider environmental risk, implement EES in 60 offices by 2025.    
  • Facilities: Reduce GHG emissions, water use and waste production by 30% by 2025, improve data collection.
  • Travel: Reduce GHG emissions attributed to air travel and vehicles by 30% by 2025.
  • Procurement: Include environmental criteria in all identified high impact categories by 2025.
  • Human Resources: Reinforce environmental training and awareness, include environmental objectives in senior management appraisals.
  • ITC & Events: Paperless and remote meetings, implement UN Green Events Guidance.


Monitoring and reporting

The progress and impact of this strategy will be monitored mainly through the annual GHG inventory as well as through mandatory strategic indicators for Field Offices. The progress of the implementation will be annually reported to the UNFPA Executive Committee, ensuring accountability at the top management level.

To learn more about the strategy contact Ms. Mel Amancio ([email protected]).

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