News and Stories

Showing 49 - 54 of 60

60 results found

At the headquarter of the International Trade Centre (ITC) in Geneva, they have successfully eliminated single-use plastics in their catering…

With the onset of COVID-19, the need to remind ourselves about the importance of good green practices has become even more urgent.

7 out of the 8 goals of the inaugural 5-year Sustainability Action Plan from 2015 had been achieved 

The UNFPA Environmental Efficiency Strategy follows the ISO 14001:2015 framework and is based on the Strategy for Sustainability Management in the…

The weeklong board meetings engange hundreds of participants, staff members, and support personnel on site.

The office obtained bikes for staff to use for commutes during work hours, plants to promote mental wellbeing and a greener office atmosphere, and…

Showing 49 - 54 of 60