Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

HQ: Montreal, Canada

Focal Point: Paulo Tagliari, Hai Li

Email: [email protected][email protected]

Internal Sustainability Team: Two staff members, both part-time devoted to sustainability issues.  

See further explanation underneath Emissions Reduction.
All entity personnel are included in the entity's greenhouse gas emission inventory.


Subject: Greening the Blue Report 

"We, at the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity commend the UN system-wide pursuit of environmental sustainability. We are seeing progress being made and, with the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the momentum continues to grow. The time has come to reimagine our relationship with nature; to restore the damage that has been done; and to rebuild what has been lost.  

As countries now work to implement the Framework by developing their own national targets in alignment with the Framework, we – the UN family – need to lead by example. We all share the common vision of the Framework, “Living in harmony with nature by 2050”. In order to have a sustainable future tomorrow, we need to change “business as usual” today. This includes integrating more sustainable practices in our programmes, facilities, and operations to ensure that we minimize our impacts on the climate and the environment in general and, where possible, promote actions to protect biodiversity and the climate system. 

With that, I am pleased to welcome the annual update on our joint efforts and the publication of the 2022 Greening the Blue report. I also renew the commitment of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity to continue integrating environmental considerations into all our functions as we continue our important work towards halting and reversing biodiversity loss and overseeing the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework."

David Cooper

Acting Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity  


The objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, including by appropriate access to genetic resources and by appropriate transfer of relevant technologies, considering all rights over those resources and to technologies, and by appropriate funding.  

The Convention has two Protocols, the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization. 

 The Secretariat facilitates the intergovernmental processes of the Convention and its Protocols and provides mandated elements of support to their implementation. 


Over previous years, CBD Secretariat has put in place a series of measures that align closely with the UN 2020-2030 strategy for sustainability management. These are described elsewhere in this report and key aspects are summarized below. 

Environmental impact areas 

  1. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions – minimizing travel, offsetting GHG emissions trough UNFCC CERs and a forest restoration programme by which approximately 5 hectares of restored forest per SCBD staff has been achieved (see:; 
  2. Waste – paper free meetings of the Convention and its Protocols; waste management measures at HQ; 
  3. Water – water distribution and wastewater activities at HQ; 
  4. Air Pollution – HQ facilities: From 2019 to Spring 2023, the building managed by Allied had the BOMA Platinum level. Since summer 2023, the building has BOMA gold level. In 2022, the LEED certification was Platinum. 
  5. Biodiversity – As a fixed secretariat without field operations, the biodiversity provisions of phase I of the 2020-2030 strategy are not directly relevant to the CBD Secretariat. Given its expertise in the subject area, the Secretariat is contributing to the further elaboration and strengthening of the biodiversity component of the strategy.   

Management functions 

  1. Procurement – Sustainable procurement practices are being gradually implemented. 
  2. Facilities management – HQ facilities: From 2019 to Spring 2023, the building managed by Allied had the BOMA Platinum level. Since summer 2023, the building has BOMA gold level. In 2022, the LEED certification was Platinum. 
  3. Travel – measures to minimize travel, monitors efficient itineraries and meeting locations. 
  4. Events – measures to minimize environmental footprint of the intergovernmental meetings of the Convention and its Protocols, including the GET– Green Events Tool developed by UNEP with UNFCCC and the Gulf Organization for Research & Development (GORD). 
  5. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) – maximizing virtual meetings and events. 


The CBD's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint are part of a wider strategy to green its operations.  The plan for this was originally presented at the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CBD COP 9) in 2008 and includes several measures which have subsequently been increased and modified to improve environmental management. 


The Secretariat has undertaken measures to reduce the emissions that result from its activities and worked on several measures to improve its environmental performance such as:  

  • The CBD adopted video conferences and online workshop practices and is further implementing this policy. This policy is prioritized during the formulation of capacity building activities and, where possible, for representing the CBD at international fora.  
  • The Conference of the Parties to the Convention (COP 13), in its Decision XIII/23, recognized the need for a more integrated and coherent approach to capacity-building and technical and scientific cooperation in supporting the implementation of the Convention and its Protocols as well aiming to reduce air travels for organizing the workshops. 
  • The CBD Secretariat verifies that its designated Ticket Processing Office (TPO) further monitors that the itinerary options provided by the travel agency strictly adheres to the applicable UN Rules and Regulations, including with respect to itineraries and class of service.  The efforts deployed by the TPO have a direct impact on the class of service selected and hence on the carbon emissions. These policies are applied systematically and consistently to all staff travel as well as to CBD funded delegates participating in our procedures. 
  • In September 2018 the CBD Secretariat installed a highly energy efficient cooling system for its computer server room. 
  • The development of a dedicated EMS is under consideration. 

In addition, in the location of the CBD Secretariat (Quebec, Canada), electricity is primarily generated by hydro-electric generation. 98% of Hydro Quebec power is generated by renewable sources, which leads to relatively low emissions for electricity usage. 

  • The building management company that provides and manages the Secretariat offices (World Trade Centre, Montréal) has specific reduction efforts in place, including: Measures to reduce exchange of temperature for better insulation such as double glazing is introduced to the building. 
  • The office is equipped with automatic energy savers such as timers for light control, thermostats for temperature control. 
  • Elevators to reduce energy consumption. The number of elevators is relatively low (only two elevators giving access to CBD’s offices) which also helps in reducing energy consumption. 

The Secretariat encourages staff to use public transport or walking /cycling and to avoid car use for commuting. Parking is not provided for staff.  

The Secretariat works with the authorities and service providers of host countries of meetings of the Conference of the Parties and other major intergovernmental meetings to reduce the emissions associated with the organization of these meetings including from local transport. The Secretariat is also working with the authorities and service providers of host countries with a view to promote sustainable sourcing of food and to reduce meat consumption. 

For the 2022 reporting year, CBD's progress on the EMS is rated as: No response.


CBD Secretariat follows UNEP’s Environmental & Social Safeguards & Standards (ESS) in Policies, Projects and Programmes.

For the 2022 reporting year, CBD's status of implementing environmental and social safeguards and standards in their policies, projects and programmes is: No response.


Given the nature of its core work, CBD Secretariat staff hold a high level of awareness on environmental sustainability. In addition, all staff is required to complete the Stick and Bean – Greening the Blue Tutorial. 

For the 2022 reporting year, CBD's status on providing training on environmental sustainability is: No response.


The Entity-specific Inventory Approach will be considered in the context of the development of a dedicated EMS presently under consideration.  


Through an agreement with UNFCCC, CBD fully offsets its emissions. 

In addition, as complementary efforts, since 2008, through agreement developed by the Secretariat, the State Government of Paraná in Brazil committed to offset all carbon emissions arising out of the CBD Secretariat's operations since the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 9), including the travel of funded Party representatives to attend official CBD meetings of the Convention and its Protocols. The commitment was made at the CBD COP 9 in Bonn, Germany, in a memorandum of cooperation signed on 27 May 2008. The off-setting programme is still in operation and CBD Secretariat and the State Government of Paraná (Brazil) have recently signed an extended MoU until 2025. 

Through this agreement, the associated Reforestation Programme supports the restoration of ecosystems associated with the original Atlantic Rain Forest, protects river borders from erosion, and creates a buffer zone for the protected areas around Foz do Iguaçu National Park.


Paper waste reduction 

  • Major meetings of the Convention and its Protocols now use a Print Smart approach to document production. The Secretariat has developed a PrintSmart application which allows meeting participants to download in-session documents or to print on demand and collect their copies at a central kiosk. Furthermore, pre-session documents are no longer made available at the meetings in paper format but are available online for downloads or distributed in USB keys when requested. These practices have resulted in reductions of more than 80% in paper usage compared to previous practices and have also impacted in the reduction of paper waste. Staff members are encouraged not to print, and printers set to double-sided printing.  
  • To further minimize the impact of the CBD meetings on the environment, the Secretariat is implementing a new initiative which minimizes the distribution of hard-copy publications. As such, a “display only” copy of the publication will be available for perusal or order only. A webpage on the CBD website was created and linked to the COP website which will contain an index of publications (by organization) and their web links for uploading/downloading. Regarding side events and exhibition booths during the COP: reduction of the amount of publications is prioritized; All types of information can be directly posted online, including videos, flyers, publications and web links. The shipment of essential documents in small amounts (1 box) of publications for distribution within the side-events, fairs and exhibition booths are only permitted.  
  • Furthermore, caterers at the meetings of the Convention and its Protocols are required to eliminate all use of single-use plastics as well as meat options, in line with the guidelines for UN Headquarters. 
  • Other measures to manage and reduce waste include: 
    • Take-back clauses are included in procurement contracts.  
    • Provision of mains-fed filtered water to reduce plastic bottle use. 
    • The building management company in charge of the Secretariat offices has reliable monitoring and reporting of waste types and amounts and has adopted a waste management policy that takes advantage of opportunities for recycling and re-use.  

Polystyrene packaging and containers were eliminated from restaurants in the food court of the building where the Secretariat is located. 


The water distribution and wastewater activities are managed by the building under the above-mentioned certifications.  

From 2019 to Spring 2023, the building managed by Allied had the BOMA Platinum level. Since summer 2023, the building has BOMA gold level. In 2022, the LEED certification was Platinum. 

The CBD staff is highly concerned about the water consumption best practices. 

Other Environmental Measures 

See CBD Forest restoration programme (item 15 above) 

The building hosting the CBD Secretariat premises is committed to supporting biodiversity through a project hosting pollinator (bees) on the roof of the building. For more information, please visit the following links: 


The Secretariat has worked on several measures to improve its environmental performance such as: 

To further minimize the impact of the COP meetings on the environment, the Secretariat has introduced replacements of its plastic meeting cards with cardboard cards.  A new initiative which minimizes the distribution of hard-copy publications will be introduce for future physical presence meetings 

The Secretariat will explore additional measures to reduce the environmental footprint of its activities and of other activities under the Convention, work to further codify existing measures and ensure their systematic application, including, as far as possible, and appropriate through Host Government Agreements. 

The Secretariat is engaged in a collaborative project for the development of new and updated EMS and SOPs. 


CBD’s total and per capita emissions fluctuate considerably between consecutive years. This is because its air travel related emissions are heavily affected by its biannual cycle of activities, in particular the biannual meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention and the Parties to its Protocols (COP and COP-MOPs), and related to intersectional  meetings of its Subsidiary Bodies, for which the CBD Secretariat, through dedicated Trust Funds, successfully facilitates the travel and participation of a large number of participants from developing-country Parties in order to ensure the full and effective participation of all Parties in these meetings.