Green Events Tool
The Green Events Tool (GET) is an integrated web-based assessment platform conceived and designed to evaluate the sustainability and environmental performance of events. It is developed, hosted and maintained by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat and the Gulf Organisation for Research & Development (GORD). GET targets decarbonization and sustainable development by focusing on environmental impacts of conferences, meetings, exhibitions, trade fairs, sporting events. etc. From transportation and lodging to paper trails, catering and energy use, the GET provides an all-encompassing approach that identifies ways to host eco-friendly events with reduced carbon footprint and other impacts.
The key purpose of the GET is to encourage and facilitate actions to reduce the carbon footprint of events at the planning and implementation stages via:
- Documentation of activities and calculation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (carbon footprint)
- Transparent reporting of the calculated carbon footprint and actions to reduce it or avoid it
- Third party verification process (optional but encouraged)
- Encouraging the use of high quality carbon credits to offset the GHG emissions that were not avoided
Events supported by the GET go through a comprehensive assessment framework covering three aspects:
- Event sustainability checklist
- Carbon footprint calculator
- Green building practices (optional)
The tool is free to use for any interested stakeholder. The first version is only open to organizations.